The languages of the Ob-Yenissei linguistic area: Eastern Khanty, Southern Selkup, Chulym Turkic, Teleut and Ket are all underdescribed and highly endangered idioms (the total number of speakers of Southern Selkup, Eastern Khanty and Chulym Turkic is under 20 each, while Ket speakers number under 100, and Teleut – under 1 000). The study of possession in the languages of the area has not been complete, the existing works on this topic do not cover a wide range of functions and types of possessive constructions attested in these languages. There are very few studies of possession based on the data of these languages performed within a modern typological perspective taking into consideration the most recent typological parameters for the study of possession. The new project of Tomsk Department of Siberian Indigenous Languages sposnsored by Russian Fund for Humanities aims at designing a typology of possession for the underdescribed and highly endangered languages of Western Siberia, Ob-Yenniseic river basin, in particular. The project focuses on creating a “typological portrait” of these languages: the description of a wide range of possessive constructions in structurally diverse and genetically unrelated/remotely related languages of the Ob-Yenniseic area. The research focuses on both adnominal possession and predicative possession, the study of which will be performed within a general typological perspective, grammaticalization theory, information structure theory, and will cover the pragmatic aspects of possession. Being a universal category, possession does not have universal ways of manifesting possessive relations in languages: the languages of the world demonstrate a variety of means for marking possessive relations (lexical, morphological, syntactic means). Besides formal variation, possessive constructions have various functions and meanings: ownership, part-whole, kinship, associative possession, and pragmatic functions such as definiteness/indefiniteness.
Keywords: possession typology morphosyntax types of possessive marking semantics of possession endangered languages of Ob-Yenisseic Area
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 18 — 23
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