At the present time, population genetics has taken only the first steps in the study of the gene pool of the Southern Selkup. As a result of expeditions, data were obtained on the composition of male lineages of South Selkups. These data allow to solve a some problems of the ethnogenesis of this people. This article describes the structure of the gene pool of the Southern Selkup from data on Y-chromosome polymorphism. It is concluded that the spread of genetic lineages showed near-perfect correspondence with certain territories and ethnic groups of Southern Selkup. The article reveals the territorial origin of the genetic lineages and gives an approximate dating of the emergence of these lineages on the territory of the Narym Ob. There are suggestions that genetic lineages connect with carriers of certain archaeological cultures. It is concluded that the presence of most of the genetic lineages in the territory of Narym Ob to be dated already in pre-Kulai era.
Keywords: South Selkup, Narym Ob, genetics, history, archeology
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 109 — 122
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