Article raises the main questions connected with variability of language on the example of functioning of Spanish in the territory of the Mexican peninsula Yucatan. A language variation as process of linguistic change in itself is very difficult and subject to influence of a set of factors, often from each other not the dependent. In each certain Latin American country formation of the literary standards of Spanish happened differently. Spanish of Mexico and, in particular, the peninsula Yucatan – one of unique language educations not only because it is the largest Spanish-speaking country, but also a place where the stable all-Spanish kernel and dialect features caused by identity of the Mexican culture organically coexist. Spanish of Mexicans is national option of Spanish since compliance to functions of national option is peculiar to it: a rank official, existence of national literary norm, the status native for absolute number of inhabitants, performance of full volume of public functions and language and culture specifics. Spanish in the territory of the peninsula Yucatan significantly differs from norms of the Mexican national option of Spanish and has similarity with Cuban, Andalusia, Argentina, Verakruz. Also that the Maya language is now one of languages on which speaks the population of the peninsula Yucatan owing to what the Spanish informal conversation included many words from the Maya language. Considerable changes at the phonetic, grammatical and lexical levels are noted.
Keywords: language variability, dialect, social status of Spanish, standard of the speech, Mexican national option of Spanish, peninsula Yucatan
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 19 — 28
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