DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-1-9-20
It is well known that among special lexical nominations dominate so called folk terms referred to as words or word combinations instrumental for nominating ideas of a certain professional field. Based on the traditional diet of Turkic peoples of Siberia, we conduct a comparative-historical, etymological, contrastive analysis of dairy names which are a crucial element of the material culture of peoples inhabiting vast taiga areas of Siberia and Russian Far East. It has been found that dialect vocabulary still has a notable impact on literary languages of the Altai, the Tuva, the Khakass, and the Yakut as evidenced by the fact that folk terms of traditional material culture enter their vocabulary, especially those from folklore, epic texts published by speakers of local dialects of Siberian languages. Diary names are not uniform in terms of their origin. They show a significant number of Mongolic, Tungusic, and Chinese elements along with Turkic roots. Dairy names include vocabulary resulting from formation and development of dialects. The given group of words in Turkic languages of Siberia reflects historical contacts with both related and non-related peoples.
Keywords: Turkic languages of Siberia, vocabulary, comparative method, dairy, semasiology
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 20
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