DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-4-28-38
A comparative analysis of vocabulary related to the group of dairy food products traditional for the nomadic cattle-breeding peoples of Central Asia – the Khalkha-Mongols, Buryats and Oirats, as well as Kalmyks. The research modern Mongolian languages, as well as materials of dialectological expeditions conducted by Valentin Ivanovich Rassadin from the 1970s to the 2000s in the Republic of Buryatia, Western Mongolia. All Mongolian peoples traditionally continue to breed five types of cattle – horses, cows, sheep, goats and camels, from which milk is obtained as a starting product for the preparation of a wide variety of dairy dishes by fermentation, distillation, straining, settling, boiling, drying or diluting with tea or water. It was possible to find out that dairy cattle breeding and methods of preparing many dairy products came to the ancient from the depths of centuries, along with the names from the ancient Turks and are still preserved among the modern Mongolian peoples. Considering the terms of dairy products in Mongolian languages, a list of terms in Mongolian language, have a complete analogy to modern. Above list of words clearly testifies that the terms of dairy farming have long been established in the Mongolian languages, most likely, back in the Mongolian era, when dairy farming was among the Mongol tribes. Further development of this layer of vocabulary, especially in terms of its, will shed light on the external influence, especially the Turkic languages, in which the terms of dairy products were formed, since a number of Mongolian terms have analogies in the Turkic languages, such as: turk. süt – milk, ajran – sour milk, qurut – dried cheeses, bїšlaq – home-made cheese, irimek – curd scum on the walls of the boiler from boiling sour milk, araqї – vodka.
Keywords: mongolian peoples, the ancient Turks, five kinds of cattle, horses, cows, sheep, goats, camels, milk, boiling, souring, distillation, filtering, drying, mixing
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 28 — 38
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