DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-4-139-148
The article deals with the traditional worldview of the Sayan-Altai Turks, determined by their identification and a variety of ways of their positioning in the sacred space. The sacred and the profane are basic to any belief system. It should be noted that the space in the perception of traditional culture is heterogeneous and the object of the study in this article is the sacred space in the worldview of the Altai, Khakas and Tuvinian people. The task to allocate sacral loci from daily and household space is set. Some loci are more semantic than others. The allocation of space elements, their saturation with mythological semantics, either positive or negative, is determined by belonging to the earthly or otherworldly worlds. A special place is occupied by such binary oppositions as "sacred" – "ordinary", "own" – "alien", "developed"– "undeveloped", "East" – "West", " new moon" –"old moon", "day"– "night".
Keywords: sacred space, stability, traditional culture, the Sayan-Altai, binary oppositions
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 139 — 148
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