DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-2-79-92
The article is devoted to the linguoculturological examination of Khakass proverbs and sayings in order to identify and describe the image of a hardworking / lazy person in the Khakass proverbial picture of the world. The material for analysis was about one hundred units of paremias with the corresponding semantics, collected by the author, mainly from the collection “Хыйға сöс. The Wise Word” (2014), also for the comparison there are the paremias of other nations. It is revealed that a hardworking person in the Khakass language consciousness is a reliable, conscientious, diligent, thorough worker. Thanks to his hard work, he provides food for himself and his family. In the paremias describing labor as a source of wealth, a unit of чағ “salo” is usually present. The image of a lazy person is marked by evaluations signs such as stupidity, a tendency to sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, an empty, aimless waste of time, living and eating at someone else's expense. However, in the popular consciousness it is not perceived at all as a hopeless and lost person, as proverbs display, warning about the negative consequences of laziness, and have an educational character. Moreover, the Khakass attitude to the manifestation of laziness is severe and uncompromising, and we have not recorded a single paremia justifying this human vice. Paremias constitute a separate layer, revealing the contrasting evaluative characteristics of two types of people — hardworking and lazy, which allows listeners to clearly perceive the implicit instructive codes of folk wisdom. We believe that the conceptual space of a hardworking / lazy person in the Khakass language has good cognitive and linguocultural potential for future research.
Keywords: image of a hardworking / lazy person, proverbs and sayings, folk wisdom, concept, content, Khakass language
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Выпуск № 2
Pages: 79 — 92
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