DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-3-97-109
“The Drawing Book of Siberia” is a unique source on the history and geography of Siberia in the XVII– XVIII centuries written by the Russian cartographer S. U. Remezov. It contains a document called “The Drawing of the Narym City Territory”. Narym region is known for the abundance of lakes, but on this map by S. U. Remezov only 12 reservoirs of this type are recorded. The aim of the article is to analyze the localization features of these lakes on the map. The criteria for selecting specific water objects for registration on the drawing are considered, and their significance for the local population is studied. On the basis of various historical and cartographic materials, a conclusion is drawn that S. U. Remezov marked real geographical objects, which according to a comprehensive analysis of the sources can be associated with the lakes, indicated on modern geographical maps. These reservoirs played an important role in life of the Narym Territory inhabitants, and were used not only for fishing but also as cult places. It is noted that most of the water objects marked on the drawing geographically gravitate to the centers of early Russian development. This fact characterizes the specifics of S. U. Remezov's data collection and the features of the information and sources used by him.
Keywords: Western Siberia, Narym Territory, hydrographic network, lakes, S.U. Remezov, The Drawings Book of Siberia, The Drawing of the Narym city territory, archeology, ethnography
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 97 — 109
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