This article was prepared on the basis of the literature, the museum sources and field data collected by the author in 2003 and 2010–2013 in Anadyr, the Anadyr and Chukotian regions of the Chukotian autonomous okrug. The aim of the article is to characterize the sacred and highly revered heirlooms and ritual objects used during the traditional ceremonies of the nomadic and coastal Chukchi groups. In the article we also present the records of the informants who watched traditional ceremonies or were directly involved in them. In this paper we do not consider the manufacture and application of the ritual objects in the funeral rites of the Chukchi. Knowledge of the sacred objects are well preserved in the modern indigenous peoples of Chukotka although the most complete information about the traditional cults possess people who spent their childhood and most of his life in the tundra, in nomad camps surrounded by older relatives and traditional language environment.
Keywords: Indigenous peoples of Chukotka, spiritual culture, traditional beliefs, sacred objects, heirlooms
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Issue: 1, 2014
Series of issue: Issue № 1
Pages: 115 — 118
Downloads: 1133