Within the project of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Accent characteristics of the Selkup language” a number of publications in which we investigated rules of statement of an accent in the southern and central dialects of the Selkup language was prepared (Normanskaya, 2012). In them it was shown that in all southern and central dialects a paradigmatic accent. The place of its statement depends on type of a root and a suffix. In Taz (northern) dialect of the Selkup language it was investigated for a long time. It is arranged essentially differently than in the southern and central Selkup dialects. In article the only verbal form of Taz dialect of the Selkup language, in which authors (OChSYa 1980, is analyzed: 138–141) phonologically significant accent, – an imperative mood is noted. As a result of comparison of rules of statement of an accent in an imperative mood of Taz (northern) dialect and in verbal forms of the southern and central dialects of the Selkup language. In the article it is shown that in 33 cases marking in verbal roots in all Selkup dialects coincides, 6 bases are exceptions. It is represented that existence of exceptions was initially predictable as A. A. Zaliznyak specifies in (Zaliznyak, 1985), any quantity of word forms will always not submit to rules therefore expediency of the description by means of the simple rule of "accent markings" is defined by statistics of the cases submitting to the rule. As it is possible to see from the carried-out analysis, in case of the Selkup language the statistics specifies that an accent in forms of the second person of singular of an imperative of the Taz verbs, really, is a fragment of archaic proto selkup system (OChSYa 1980, assumed: 138–141). In real time after the carried-out reconstruction of an accent on material of the southern and central dialects of the Selkup language manages to be proved this assumption. It becomes clear that in the proto selkup language the roots had accent markings which remained in Tazovsky dialect in the second person of singular of an imperative of the verbs and in forms with plus suffixes in the southern and central dialects of the Selkup language now. The conclusion is that it is possible to reconstruct the system of raznomestny phonologically significant accent and for the Proto Selkup language.
Keywords: the Selkup language, Taz dialect, southern and central dialects, accent, comparative-historical linguistics, contemporary records, field researches
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Issue: 4, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 21 — 31
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