The paper reviews the features of articaulation of palatal vowel harmony in Ondugaj and Ust-Kan idioms of Altai-Kizhi dialects. The analysis of experimental-instrumental data demonstrates that algorythms of production of Turkic velar harmony (consistently articulated in Ondugaj idiom) are not maintained in the articulatory-acoustic base of the Ust-Kan idiom speakers. Vowel harmony as a dominant typological feature, largely defining the phonetic make-up of the whole word, and consistent with the idealized harmonic model, has various articulatory specifics in each Turkic language. This articulatory variation adheres to strict systemic processes and mutual conditioning by segmental and suprasegmental levels. The main explanatory features are to be found in the historic aspects of individual languages, in their inter- and intraethnic interactions affecting the articulatory-acoustic bases of shaping the respective phonetic-phonological systems.
Keywords: Turkic languages of Siberia, palatal vowel harmony, consonants, experimental phonetics, MRI, digital X-ray diagnostics
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Issue: 4, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 32 — 34
Downloads: 1069