The paper explores the agricultural practices of middle-Ob (Narym) Selkups. The agricultural practices in question imply the cultivation of soil for cereals and garden cultures. The discussion reviews possible sources of agricultural tradition in local Samoyedic population, estimated length of adaptation of agricultural skills, and the initial results of cultivation of cereal and garden cultures. In the process of the study, it was identified that until the XVII cent. the middle-Ob Selkups did not practice agriculture. The original culture demonstrated the typical forest hunter-fisher culture. The initial introduction of agricultural technology can be dated to the initial settlement of Russian population in the Narym area in the XVII century. The analysis produced a set of conclusions: regardless of isolated attempts, cereal cultivation failed to integrate into the Selkup culture for a variety of reasons; garden cultivation, as another external innovation, managed to integrate solidly, occasionally at the expense of the dominant traditional hunter-fisher economy. Synchronically, garden cultivation can be considered a stable component of the traditional Selkup economy.
Keywords: Selkups, agriculture in Siberia, innovation, cereal cultivation, garden cultivation, traditional food production
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Issue: 4, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 64 — 73
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