The article considers the relocation of the Altai held during XVIII–XX centuries. The first wave of migrants (until 1861) consisted mainly of Russian population. In the second stage (the end of the XIXth and early XXth century) Germans, Ukrainians, people from the Baltic regions came here. Belorussian immigrantion is also based on the number of Altai large settlements (from 100 to 900 people). However, Belarusians accustomed to the woods more likely inhabited taiga regions of Siberia and the Altai steppe was not so appealing. As a matter of fact their migration was not mass character here. Migrants from Belarussia chose not only similar in climatic characteristics areas for the new residence, but also the most familiar types of settlements – the hutors. Until 1920 their lived, one or more families of Belarusians. In 1914, in connection with the construction and operation of the railway Belarusians settled in industrial areas, in rail barracks and booths.
Keywords: Altai, Belarusians, XIX–XX centuries, settlements
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 59 — 61
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