Since the late nineteenth century Kulunda steppe was one of the most “Ukrainian” regions of Siberia. According to the results of the Soviet census of 1926, in Northern Kulunda, within the boundaries of modern Karasuk district Novosibirsk region lived more than 30 thousand people. The most numerous community were Ukrainians. Places of their compact settlement were the villages: Beloe and Irbizino. Most people in these villages were originally from Poltava and Kharkov provinces. Ukrainians were also scattered widely in other multi-ethnic villages of the steppe area. Adapting to the conditions of Western Siberia, for a long time they have preserved the language and the standards of traditional culture, livelihood, family and calendar rites and festivals, arts and crafts. Ethno-social and ethno-cultural transformation began in the postwar period. This process intensified in the 1960s and 1970s. Actively cooperating with regional multiethnic community (Russians, Germans, Kazakhs, etc.), Ukrainians gradually switched to the Russian language; at the same time began to change their ethnic identity. In 1970–1980 the attributes of Ukrainian folk culture, removed from everyday life moved into the space of museums. Currently in Karasuk district Novosibirsk region is actively developing the Museum's construction and great efforts have been made for the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage.
Keywords: Ukrainians, Karasuk, Kulunda steppe, museum
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 103 — 106
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