The feature of the polish communities in Siberia in the XIX century was a significant amount of the polish exiled who rendered great value practically on all aspects of life of the region. The polish link to Altai in the XIX century was a component of the siberian exile used as one of the most widespread repressive measures of the government against participants of revolutionary liberation movement in Russia. The article on the basis of a wide range of sources (archival materials, help and periodicals) and literature considers the polish exiled, participants of the polish national liberation movement, members of Society of military friends in Bialystok Ivan Vysotsky, Karl and Felix Ordynskiye, who were in exile in Ust-Kamenogorsk were first of which. Despite limitation of the available data, questions of number, the places of residence, financial position and living conditions, an occupation, influence on life of the region of the banished participants of November revolt of 1830–1831, the polish liberating organizations of the end of the 1830th – the beginning of the 1840th found reflection in work. Activity of exiled of roman catholic priests of Anthony Ankudovich in Kuznetsk, Pavel Shishko, who founded the first private school in Biysk is shown. In article it is indicated the fact of serving of punishment in Altai (in the Ust-Kamenogorsk fortress, then in Biysk the district of the Smolensk volost) Alexander Levitsky. The considered material allows to draw a conclusion that the stay of the polish exiled in the 20th – the 50th of the XIX century in Altai is a component of history of formation of the polish community in Siberia. Undoubtedly, further researches will add already available data on life in exile of these people that will promote a reconstruction of a full picture of stay of poles in Altai and in general in Siberia.
Keywords: Altai, E. I. V. Office, polish political exiled, Society of military friends, revolt, сatholic clergy
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 113 — 119
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