The article is devoted to personal sources in Polish identified in the process of studying of the biography of Alexander Nikolayevich Murav'ev. He was one of the most famous of the Decembrists and the founder of the first Russian secret political societies The Union of Salvation and The Union of Prosperity. The article analyzes the Polish sources – Anthony Pausha’s journal, Peter Moshinsky’s memories and Józefa Shembekova’s memories. These texts are at first introduced into scientific research. These sources contain new and important information about the life of Decembrist in Tobolsk and his relationship with local officials, about his outlook and philosophy, personality and connections with the Polish comrades by exile and liberation movement. These sources are very creative and informative. For example, Anthony Pausha narrates an interesting fact from the history A. N. Murav'ev’s governorship. It’s clearly characterizes Decembrist’s complex relationship with the Governor-General of Western Siberia I. A. Velyaminov. The characteristic of A. N. Murav'ev’s political outlook is very important for Russian historians. Peter Moshinsky exactly describes Murav'ev’s convictions as a constitutional monarchy. He also tells about the Decembrist as “liberalists forever”. Thus completely is refuted the thesis of Murav'ev’s remorse after the uprising of the Decembrists. These estimates deserve full confidence. This is because not only P. Moshinsky was Murav'ev’s friend but also he was a prominent figure of the liberation movement, a liberal ally of the movement of Decembrists.
Keywords: decembrists, liberation movement, Polish exile in Siberia, memoirs, administration, governance
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 146 — 155
Downloads: 1050