The article considers the problems of the preservation and translation of the Slavic cultural heri tage through the tradition of literacy in connection with a system-forming role of literacy in Slavic culture. The specificity of the written texts and their interaction with culture makes it necessary to analyse the ways and forms of dissemination of cultural heritage through written texts and their cultural content. Discusses the differences between oral and written discourses, especially the generation of the verbal text, the specifics of his understanding, different relations between sender and addressee. When writing there is a division in the perception of speech, which begins to be perceived not only as a sounding word, but also as a visual phenomenon, separated from the reader, “indifferently” him. Analyzes the role of oral and written discourses in the Slavic culture, the perception of a written text and the problems of preservation and dissemination of cultural traditions through the book. The conclusion about the necessity to take into account the specifics of literacy, its existence and the characteristics of perception in the modern Slavic studies book.
Keywords: Slavic narrative, written discourse and oral discourse, Church Slavonic language, Liturgy, liturgical text
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 156 — 163
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