In dialect space of the Komi language the dialect of the Kirov Permians which formation occurred in conditions of isolation from the basic area of distribution of the Komi dialects and strong influence of the surrounding Russian dialects, occupies a special place. The actual problem of the Komi dialectology is revealing of the basis and place of the given territorial-language version in the dialect continuum of the Komi language. The phonetic and morphological markers of the language of the Kirov Permians are considered, the analysis and comparison to language lines of the territorially close Zyryan and Permian dialects are of great importance for the solution of the given problem. The research is based on the materials collected by the author during several expeditions to the area of residing of the Kirov Permians in period from 2002 to 2012.
Keywords: the Komi language, the Komi-Permian language, Kirov Permians, phonetics, morphol-ogy, linguistic markers
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 40 — 48
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