DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-1-81-92
In the work the nomination of birch bark dishes, which enjoyed Selkups themselves as representatives of different dialect and local groups of this ethnos, is correlated with views of birch bark items characterising their everyday life. The samples of birch bark utensils of southern Selkups from Russian and Helsinki (Finland) museums were used for the analysis, the museum documentation accompanying them was also analysed. The correlation of all available real copies in groups of classification with identifying nominative nearby was conducted on the basis of the previously developed classification of birch bark utensils. They allowed to determine the general designations of groups of objects of traditional Selkup origin, to identify the particular dialect names, to determine borrowing of birch bark utensils by Selkups, on the basis of linguistic data.
Keywords: birch bark utensils, Selkups, Selkup language, dialects of Selkup, Selkup collection in Russian museums, classification, nomination items
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 81 — 92
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