DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-1-93-100
The article reviewed the category of time in the heroic epic of Mongolian peoples. Basing on the analysis of 27 epics the personal time of hero is considered in the general story-event time context. It was revealed that in general story time, having the property to tighten and stretch, the personal hero time is characterized by hopping movement and at the same time by statics and stability, its structured biographically, distinguished by wholeness and line-return current. The hero time continuum remains open and endless, time length extends into non-textual space. Epics show mythological shamanic worldview with concepts of cyclic life, continuation of the existence of human soul in the time stream.
Keywords: Mongolian peoples, heroic epic, story, time category
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 93 — 100
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