DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-1-49-58
The article presents the analysis of the semantic structure of the imperative of the 2nd person singular (“you”) in the Tuvan language, which is put the semantic feature at the degree of down-toning, degree of controllability, the time setting of causable action. The basis for motivation of speaker to perform an action is, maybe, in his point of view, the necessity (debitive) and the possibility of performing downtoning action put into the addressee by the speaker. Various combinations of the semantic features and the character of the relationship between the participants of the speech act and the features of social subordination determine the whole semantic structure of the imperative of the 2nd person singular. Such personal meanings of the imperative as an order, request, instruction, suggestion, permission, advice, consent and permission are formed in the article.
Keywords: imperative, 2nd person singular, causation, order, request, instruction, suggestion, permission, advice, consent, permission, the degree of down-toning, degree of controllability, the time setting, the modality meanings
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 49 — 58
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