The article outlines the basic perspective research in anthropology of labor law as an independent branch of anthropology of law. In the article the most significant issues of concern are developed. The authors propose the thesis of bio-anthropological evolutionary factors of modern labor law and labor relations. Apart from contributing to the basic knowledge, the anthropology of labor law serves practical functions. The studies of labor law in human evolution allow to deduce the long-term tendencies in the development of labor law, including the correlations between legal norms and human biology, cognition and basic interactions with the environment, developing social networks. It is justified thus to state that the labor law is determined by anthropological factors. The soft definition would state if not the determination, but at least the anthropological logic in the historical development and the modernity of legal regulation of social and labor relations. The understanding of such factors allows to solve the conflicts widespread in labor law, which are notoriously difficult within formal jurisprudence means.
Keywords: anthropology of law, anthropology of labor law, human evolution, history of labor legislation
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Issue: 4, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 78 — 81
Downloads: 1014