DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-1-44-51
In this article on the example of a lexeme уйат “shame to be ashamed” and its derivatives are considered how concepts “shame”, “conscience”, “shyness”, “shame” in the Khakass language picture of the world work. It is established that уйат “shame to be ashamed” is a concept more likely social and ethical: the active use of connecting combinations (уйатха сух- “to dishonor; letters to thrust into shame” and уйатха кир- “to dishonor; letters to enter into shame”) demonstrates that the responsibility for violation the subject of moral ethical standards lays down also on his relatives and relatives. Semantics of the word уйат joins a shade of the concept “conscience”, however at realization it is represented difficult to part these two values. We consider that such picture developed in a type of the fact that in the Khakass emotional sphere the shame before society surpasses the idea of individual rational judgment (conscience).
Keywords: Khakass language, a concept, уйат “shame to be ashamed”, a lexeme, the subject, a language picture of the world
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 44 — 51
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