DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-3-31-41
The article considers some forms of language interaction in terms of language contacts expansion in modern Russia. In the example of the Volgograd oblast it shows the changes of ethnic and linguocultural space of a separate region, manifested in the transformation of historically established ethnic proportions of the population; in the formation of a new ethnic balance; in increasing of variability of language contact and bilingualism types of closely and not closely related languages. The article sets a general trend towards oral communication hybridization in the multilingual environment. It also concludes that this trend is manifested in the activation of hybrid lexemes formed according to the Russian derivational and inflectional models and operating mainly in the field of household communication. There is also a trend towards the use of hybrid lexemes in the mass media. The authors identify extralinguistic and linguistic factors that significantly affect the appearance of new lexemes in the process of language contacts.
Keywords: language situation, migration, language contacts, borrowings, hybrid lexemes
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 31 — 41
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