DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-3-50-57
The paper is devoted to the study of transformations in the Khakass language consciousness over the past 15 years. The strengthening of the positive value dominants in the perception of the stimulus kizi "person", represented in the syntagmatic models of moral, intellectual and external evaluation of a person is identified. Noticeable growth of the paradigmatic scheme of association in the structure of associative fields tugan "relative", aal "Khakass village", aal?y "guest" is associated with changes in the psycholinguistic categorization of the social space of a person. The growth of the significance of family ties, birthplace, homeland in the Khakass language consciousness correlate with the process of adaptation to dynamic socio-economic realities.
Keywords: Khakass language, Khakass language consciousness, psycholinguistic meaning, associative field, axiological meaning
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 50 — 57
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