DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-3-58-70
In this article, an ethnolinguistic analysis of 53 names of berry plants in the Yakut language was carried out to determine their methods of formation. Language material was taken by their various lexicographic sources, including botanical dictionaries. The empirical basis of the study was also field and expeditionary observations, dialect records and materials collected by the authors since 2017 in various regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). To determine the lexical value of the roots of the analyzed names, semantic descriptions of lexemes are given from the «Great Thick Dictionary of the Yakut Language» and the «Dictionary of the Yakut Language» by E. K. Pekarskiy. Methods of word-formation analysis are used to identify methods of phytonym formation: search of producing base, extraction of word-formation formant, the establishment of word formation principles. Elements of semantic and morphological analysis of nominations are also used, syntax constructions of complex words (phrases) are considered. Non-derivative lexical units are given etymological characteristics, in some cases, parallels from other languages are given. Borrowed names of berry plants are analyzed in terms of phonetic changes, the same principle of analysis is used relative to dialect units that have converted to the literary norm. Besides, some Yakut bases and reflexes in other related languages are compared in the phonostructural aspect. Biological characteristics of plants are given through descriptive method, as well as explanations of geographical peculiarities of places of growth of studied berry plants are given. It has been established that the main method of nomination of phytonyms, which denote names of berry plants in the Yakut language, his nomination based on several motivational characteristics. It was possible to find out that this principle is based on associative metaphorization, which reveals the attitude of Yakuts to wildlife and reflects the characteristics of the world view of the Sakha people. The availability of borrowing from the Russian language is explained by the general territory of residence of Yakuts and Russians. Phytonyms of Mongolian and Tunguso-Manchurian origins indicate close linguistic contacts of Yakuts with Mongolian tribes and Tunguso-Manchurian peoples, particularly Evens.
Keywords: phytonyms, names of berry plants, berries, methods of formation, motivational signs of nomination, Yakut language
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 58 — 70
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