DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-3-71-79
The article presents the results of the research, which were based on the material of 123 Yakut, Altai and Khakass folk tales from academic publications. Semantic convergence of 22 names of food on the composition of the dish is given: dairy, meat, fish, vegetable. It is emphasized that in the stories of folk tales, presented are words that reflect the gastronomic vocabulary of the real life of the people. Food is tied to a traditional occupation, to everyday life, i.e. in many ways has an everyday character. It was revealed that the system of names of food of the Yakuts, Khakass and Altaians arose on the basis of the general type of traditional occupations — cattle breeding and horse breeding. The comparative-comparative method established that the considered vocabulary of food has a heterogeneous nature, which is directly related to the development of territories with different natural and climatic conditions. The comparison and collation method established that the considered vocabulary of food has a heterogeneous nature, which is directly related to the development of territories with different natural and climatic conditions. The main difference is due to different conditions of occurrence: cold climate, permafrost Yakut lyyba); developed agriculture (Altaic talkan), etc. The lexemes related to the periphery of the gastronomic vocabulary are described: common Turkic base bïš- 'to boil, stew; names of kitchen utensils, dishes (Khakass берёста ‘table’, etc.); fragments of the ritual of asking for a child (Khakass tale "Khuzurgas"); national traditions (hospitality, ritual food).
Keywords: Yakut language, Altai language, Khakass language, Turkic languages, folk tale, food vocabulary
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 71 — 79
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