DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-2-127-148
The article considers the interpretation of personal haplotypes of the modern ethnic Khakass with regard to their private genealogies. During DNA testing of the Khakass’ Y-chromosome, different marker panels of haplotypes were obtained, which were used to determine haplogroups, and most importantly – to compare with personal oral and archival-documentary genealogies of donors in order to verify kinship. The novelty of this genetic-genealogical (genetealogical) study involves correlating eight private Khakass surnames (Ugdyzhekov, Shulberekov, Sagataev, Borgoyakov, Sandaraev, Tarkhanov, Torosov, Mainagashev) with objective genetic markers of the Y-chromosome obtained from ten donors. Two 37-marker STR-haplotypes of the Tarkhanovs belonging to donors from the Khakass subethnos of the Kyzyl people (the Sharypovo District of the Krasnoyarsk Region), as well as the Beltir 37-marker haplotype of the Torosovs, are published for the first time. Six Khakass haplotypes were fully attributed (up to the full name). Most of DNA tests were carried out in the American Commercial Company “Family Tree DNA” (Houston, Texas, USA) for haplotypes of different lengths – from 12 to 111 STR markers. For all the presented Khakass haplotypes, it is necessary to perform genome-wide sequencing of the Y-chromosome to detect SNP mutations up to the definition of familial terminal snips. Since the Beltirs’ genealogies are the deepest among the Khakass subethnoses, going back to the 16th century, it is primary to haplotype and snip male descendants from the Beltir families/seoks. In the future, this will allow us to apply the new methodology extensively – for example, for mapping/identification of Khakass kinships/seoks in the form of phylogenetic trees (modeled on the human Y-chromosome haplogroup tree YFull YTree). The currently available anonymous population-genetic data obtained by scientists from the Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics of the Research Institute of Medical Genetics of Tomsk National Research Medical Center are unsuitable for calibration of reconstructed documentary genealogies, and therefore the full potential of the new verification methodology remains undiscovered.
Keywords: DNA, genetic genealogy, haplotype, Khakass DNA project, genealogy, subclade, revision tale, Khakas, haplogroup, seok
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 127 — 148
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