DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-2-160-172
The article presents the results of studies of ceramics from two sites (Novovasyugan settlement and settlement) of the Kulai culture from the Narym Ob region, located in close proximity – at a distance of 60 m, which is of particular interest for identifying traditions in the manufacture of pottery. The technical and technological analysis of ceramics was carried out within the framework of the historical and cultural approach. The main objective of the research was to identify the specifics of cultural traditions in the selection of raw materials and the preparation of pottery paste and a comparative analysis of the results obtained. As a result of the study of the raw materials, it was found that ferruginous clays (medium and slightly degree of iron content in clay) with a large amount of fine sand were used. Artificial mineral impurities were practically not introduced into the pottery paste, only in a few cases chamotte was recorded, as a rule, in a low concentration, which did not affect the quality of the vessels. Skills in the selection of raw materials and preparation of pottery paste from these two sites are very similar, but vessels made of the same clay were not found. It was found that the potters from the settlement and the settlement used different clay deposits, which differed in the size of the sand. The peculiarities of firing of vessels, surface treatment of vessels, and the application of ornaments indicate different traditions of pottery making, different potters and groups of the population. Perhaps the identified features are related to chronological reasons, as evidenced by differences in the ornamentation of vessels. A comparative analysis with the previously studied collections of the Kulai culture revealed differences. The Kulai monuments from the Tomsk Ob region are characterized by the use of weak – and non iron clay with the addition of crushed stone (broken stone) to the pottery paste, and the addition of chamotte for the Priketye. At the Novovasyugan settlement and the settlement site, non iron clay and the broken stone were not detected, and mineral impurities were rarely introduced. The presence of recipes with chamotte on the Novovasyugan sites may indicate a small influx of people with other skills in preparing pottery paste characteristic of the Tomsk region.
Keywords: Novovasyugan settlement, settlement, Kulai culture, ceramics, technical and technological analysis, raw materials, pottery paste, ornament, Narym and Tomsk Ob
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 160 — 172
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