The Names of Large Domestic Animals in the Mongolian Languages in Comparison with the Bashkir Language and the Language of the Siberian Tatars
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-3-57-70
This study aimed to scientifically process and comparatively analyze the names of domestic animals in the Khalkha-Mongolian, Old Mongolian, Buryat, and Kalmyk languages to identify common terms and determine their general Mongolian character. For comparison, parallels from the Bashkir language and the language of the Siberian Tatars were used to identify common Turkic-Mongolian terms for livestock associated with the names of domestic animals. We were able to determine that many of these terms are borrowed, and we were also able to determine that the terms associated with the camel in the Khalkha-Mongolian, Buryat, Kalmyk, and non-written Mongolian languages have a Turkic origin. Mongolian terms for cattle are also Turkic. The terms associated with horses have no Turkic equivalent. Further study of this vocabulary layer, especially from the comparative-historical aspect, will make it possible to explain the external influence of the Mongolian languages under which the Mongolian terminology of domestic animals was formed because the Khalkha-Mongolian, Buryat, and Kalmyk terms have parallel terms in the Turkic languages such as azarga, hyuleg, zhoroo, argamag, agta.
Keywords: the Khalkha-Mongolian language, the Buryat language, the Kalmyk language, the Bashkir language, the language of the Siberian Tatars, horse, cattle, camel, the Mongolian languages, the Turkic languages
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 57 — 70
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