DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-3-65-79
This article analyzes the titles of articles and chapters, monographs and collections of Russian scientists on the history of Germany, France and Western Europe from the 10th to the first half of the 16th century concerning problems of gender relations, as published during the last three decades (1985–2015). The purpose of the article is to identify stylistic features of gender problems in scientific discourse of the Russian Medievalists based on a lingvocultural approach. Comprehensive analysis of the stylistic features of gender patterns (tropes and figures of speech) allows us to get access to the matter of conceptual significance of the substantive elements of the names, and to trace the connection between characteristic of the discussion of gender in medieval studies and general attitudes towards this phenomenon and practices associated with it.
Keywords: contemporary domestic medieval studies, headlines of scientific publications, gender discourse, stylistic features
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Togoeva O. I. Formirovanie kul'ta svyatoy Zhanny d’Ark i politicheskaya kul'tura Frantsii Avtoref. diss. … dokt. ist. nauk [Formation of the cult of St Joan of Arc and political culture of France. Abstract of the diss. … doct. hist. sciences]. – M., 2013. – 38 s.
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Togoeva O. I. Zhanna d’Ark i dvor Karla VII. Istoriya predatel'stva Devy glazami sovremennikov i potomkov [Joan of Arc and the court of Charles VII. The story of betrayal of the virgin through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants] // Frantsuzskiy ezhegodnik [Annual of French Studies]. – M.: IVI RAN, 2014. – S. 92–114.
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 65 — 79
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